Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Email Blogging

Do you know you can blog using your own email program such outlook.

It is very convenient compared to blogging using its built-in system.

All you have to do is login to your blogger and goto the settings tab, then on the email tab, set your email address you like. Then all you have to do is just send an email to the address.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

The amusing effect of disregarding the reference of pronouns is illustrated in the story below:

“So down I goes to the stable with Tom Flynn, and told the man to put the saddle on him.”
“On Tom Flynn?”
“No, on the horse. So after talking with Tom Flynn awhile I mounted him.”
“What! mounted Tom Flynn?”
“No, the horse; and then I shook hands with him and rode off.”
“Shook hands with the horse, Billy?”
“No, with Tom Flynn; and then I rode off up the Bowery, and who should I meet but Tom Hamblin; so I got off and told the boy to hold him by the head.”
“What! hold Hamblin by the head?”
“No, the horse; and then we went and had a drink together.”
“What! you and the horse?”
“No, me and Hamblin; and after that I mounted him again and went out of town.”
“What! mounted Hamblin again?”
“No, the horse; and when I got to Burnham, who should be there but Tom Flynn,—he'd taken another horse and rode out ahead of me; so I told the hostler to tie him up.”
“Tie Tom Flynn up?”
“No, the horse; and we had a drink there.”
“What! you and the horse?”
“No, me and Tom Flynn.”
Finding his auditors by this time in a horse laugh, Billy wound up with:
“Now, look here,—every time I say horse, you say Hamblin, and every time I say Hamblin you say horse: I'll be hanged if I tell you any more about it.”

Sunday, September 25, 2005


If you have read my previous post about a cute little rabbit that will be slaughtered unless people pay its owner some bucks, you will know that that rabbit will be killed on 30th June 2005.
The question is - has cute little Toby been killed?
The answer is read www.savetoby.com again.
If you are a bit observant, you will notice that the date has changed.
Instead of 30th of June, it is now 6th November 2006.
Using the sympathy of human kind, he really has earned some bucks from donation from kind people who want to save the poor rabbit. As long as there are good and naive people in the world with some money, he is going to live a forever happy live earning free money.

Friday, September 02, 2005


Viagra (Sildenafil) 100mg x 10 pills US $ 7.00 Per Pill price

Monday, May 30, 2005

Galvanic Series

Today, studying the chemistry Galvanic Series made me recalled a very funny way of memorising the series.

Kalau – Ka
Nak – Na
Kahwin – Ca
Mesti – Mg
Ada – Al
Zakar – Zn
Fexible – Fe
Supaya – Sn
Perempuan – Pb
Hasil – H
Cukup – Cu
Anak – Ag

This technic is very effective. Have a try.





Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Stop comparing

This is an article from www.sparkyblue.com

We live in a pathologically dissatisfied world. And I'm going to tell you why.
Because we love to compare.

Go around the world and discover that people aren't happy with their bodies.

Filipinos want to be fair-complexioned like Westerners, and so buy bleaching stuff.
Westerners want to own bronzed bodies like ours, and so purchase tanning lotions.

Those with moles have them removed, while those who don't strategically implant beauty spots.

Some people want to shed a few pounds to look like Ally McBeal,
while others want to gain some baby fat to look like Drew Barrymore.

When are we ever going to stop and simply be happy with how we look?
We live in a sick world, I tell you. And that sickness is comparisonitis.

Take a look at wealth. When we drive our old Toyota, it really suitsus fine.
We feel blessed in fact when the rain pours outside and we feel snug and cozy on its faded upholstered seats.
But the moment we see our own officemate (or neighbor, or buddy, or cousin, or brother) drive his sleek sky-blue, four-door, four-wheel-drive Honda Rav4, we automatically feel like third-class children of God.

Next time we drive our bumpy,noisy, rusted, dilapidated Toyota
(notice how all the defects come out all of a sudden? ), we feel deprived, dispossessed, pariah, debased, and only a little higher than the insects of the earth.

Listen carefully. Bill Gates total assets are worth $60 billion.
That's more than the GNP of some small countries.
Tiger Woods earns $80 million simply by smiling on TV in a Nike shirt.
And the stars of the sitcom Friends are paid $50,000 per episode!

My point? No matter how hard you work, there'll still be some people who will be richer than you are. And there'll be some people who will be more beautiful, have more sex appeal, have more boyfriends, and have more problems.

Try it for once. Stop looking around. Dont compare! Dont compare her nose with your nose.

Don't compare his wife with your wife.
Don't compare his salary with your salary.
Don't compare her breast size with your breast size.
Don't compare her kids report card with your kids report card.
Don't compare his prayer group with your prayer group.
Don't compare her cellulite deposits with your cellulite deposits.
For crying out loud, stop comparing and start living!
And you'll be happier with your life, I guarantee.

This is crucial: The most difficult thing in the world is to be who you are not.
Pretending and trying to be someone else is the official pastime of the human race.
(I don't think dogs and cats and cows and horses have this problem.)

And the easiest thing in the world is to be yourself. Be happy. Live!
There must be a reason why God made you tall or short or fat or thin or bumpy all over.

Love who you are!


Italian English


Read this. Very funny.


Saturday, April 16, 2005

The weakest and strongest point of a human being - Sympathy

I noticed this website today and thought that it is good to share with other people.
This guy uses human’s weakest point, sympathy, to earn money; and he has succeeded in earning $25,000.
Of course, this trick only works in some western countries. If he were to use this trick in any Asia country, nobody will give a damn.

This is what he has written:Toby1

Toby is the cutest little bunny on the planet. Unfortunately, he will DIE on June 30th, 2005 if you don.t help. I rescued him several months ago. I found him under my porch, soaking wet, injured from what appeared to be an attack from an alley cat. I took him in, thinking he had no chance to live from his injuries, but miraculously, he recovered. I have since spent several months nursing him to health. Toby is a fighter, that.s for sure.

Unfortunately, on June 30th, 2005, Toby will die. I am going to eat him. I am going to take Toby to a butcher to have him slaughter this cute bunny. I will then prepare Toby for a midsummer feast. I have several recipes under consideration, which can be seen, with some pretty graphic images, under the recipe section.

I don’t want to eat Toby, he is my friend, and he has always been the most loving, adorable pet. However, God as my witness, I will devour this little guy unless I receive 50,000$ USD into my account from donations or purchase of merchandise. You can help this poor, helpless bunny’s cause by making donations through my verified PayPal account by clicking on any of the Donate buttons on this site, or by purchasing merchandise at the Savetoby.com online store.

Visit http://www.savetoby.com/ to know more but please don’t fall into his trick.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

London - 11th April 2005 Monday - WEEK 28 - Senior Farewell party and Ultimate Frisbee

British weather was unexpected as usual. It could get to 18 degree-Celsius on one day and dropped to 0 on another. The weather today was extraordinary good.

It was a warm and sunny day which everyone has been long awaiting.

Today was a very special day. We had a farewell party for the 4th year seniors in the Kensington Garden, a garden together with Hyde Park are called 'The Lung' of London. Squirrels, ducks, varieties of birds and even seagulls roam across the park. The garden was exceptionally beautiful today because of the good weather. It is spring now and flowers are blooming all over.

The farewell party was nothing more than a picnic gathering. Everyone had to pay 3 pounds for the food. The food was made by the new Malaysian Society Committee members.

Sausages, chicken wings, fried rice and mee were very tasty especially when you were hungry.

After filling up my stomach, I learnt to play a new game called Frisbee. A Frisbee is a round disc that can fly very far if you throw it well. At first, I thought throwing a disc was pretty easy but not after I tried it myself. It was very easy to 'throw it' and it would spin ungracefully for a short distance before it landed like China Airlines. After some practises, I managed to fly the Frisbee for quite a long distance stably.

It sounded easy, but when you actually did that yourself, you would know its difficulty.

After that, we played a game called Ultimate Frisbee. It is a combination of soccer, net-ball, rugby and basketball, with the ball swapped with the Frisbee of course. It is a game that required stamina, agility and some intelligence. If you are interested to know more about this game, have a look at this website - http://www.whatisultimate.com/what/what_game_en.html.

Time really flies when playing games. Due to the longer daylight during spring, I could play longer before the sunset. Without realizing how fast the time passed, we played until 7.30pm. After that, due to the fact that I have not been exercising for almost a month, my whole body was aching. I staggered to my bicycle in the college and cycled home.

In the night, I could hardly move. With great determination, I managed to totter to the kitchen and cooked for myself a delicious dinner.

With great satisfaction, I went to my sweet little single size bed and slept until 12 the next afternoon, completely disobeyed my well-planned timetable for the holiday.


Sunday, April 10, 2005

Blogging software

I am using BlogJet to post and publish to this blog.
But its ftp feature is quite funny; it doesn’t allow me to put my files to other directory except the root.
I have no idea at all what is happening.


Google Lunar Base

Google is a well known search engine in the cyberspace. Starting as a small research project in the University of Stanford, until becoming the world largest search company and offering a email service Gmail with more than 2GB of space, the word "G" has reached the mind of many.
However, the "G" ambition is no where reaching its limit. Google is planning to build a lunar base on our natural satelite. From capturing every TV programme in our planet, to recording the messages that were delivered by other intelligent beings from other planetery systems, Google intends to expand its information database to a whole new era.
Besides its searches business, Google trys to answer the following questions...
  • Exactly how far does the Worldwide web extend? Can it become an interplanetary utility? If so, will it replace Water Works on Monopoly®?
  • What are the likely effects of link attenuation over extreme distances? Is there a limit to link strength, or is it infinitely extensible like bubble gum that gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe?
  • What happens to PageRank in the proximity of a black hole? Is there distortion that might result in link relevancy reduction or popularity warping? Could this somehow be harnessed to generate more dates for engineers?
  • Does spam go on forever?
If you are interested in working on the moon, contact lunarjobs@google.com.
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age by April 1, 2007 and have proof of earth residency. Google is an equal opportunity employer.
For more information on the Lunar Base visit http://www.google.com/jobs/lunar_job.html

Monday, April 04, 2005

Jason Mok - Love's perspective

I once had a friend who grew to be very close to me. Once when we were
sitting at the edge of a swimming pool, she filled the palm of her
hand with some water and held it before me, and said this: "You see
this water carefully contained on my hand? It symbolizes Love." This
was how I saw it:

As long as you keep your hand caring open and allow it to remain
there, it will always be there. However, if you attempt to close your
fingers round it and try to posses it, it will spill through the first
cracks it find. This is the greatest mistake that people do when they
meet love...they try to posses it, they demand, they expect... and
just like the water spilling out of your hand, love will retrieve
from you. For love is meant to be free, you cannot change its nature.
If there are people you love, allow them to be free beings.

Give and don't expect.
Advise, but don't order.
Ask, but never demand.

It might sound simple, but it is a lesson that may take a lifetime to
truly practice. It is the secret to true love. To truly practice it,
you must sincerely feel no expectations from those who you love, and
yet an unconditional caring." Passing thought...

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take; but by the
moments that take our breath away.....

My friend, Care for your love, as he/she is your life partner and
especially a human being, Don't treat them like an asset as what to do
& what not to do. Instead make them understand what's good and what's
bad for them and make them realize the facts.

Enjoy your love and make them feel special about you.


Saturday, February 26, 2005






Friday, February 25, 2005

Saturday, February 19, 2005

In North Harrow. Posted by Hello

Jin Rong's mum's friend's house in North Harrow in London. This was the place where we stayed during our first 2 days in London Posted by Hello

Before departure, n KLIA with my friends. Posted by Hello